Lee lee Brazeal I’ll bring the helium so we can all talk funny

6o x 60 x 2” oil

Lee Lee Brazeal 
As an artist, I embrace the full spectrum of reactions my work may evoke. Whether viewers love it or or hate it, understand it or remain baffled, the response itself is valuable. Although I would like my work to be appreciated, it is not necessary. I find fulfillment in the act of creation itself, free from the pressure of external validations.

Lindy Chambers My uncle’s house 22 x 30 x 2”acrylic on canvas

Lindy Chambers
A wrist injury made traditional brushwork painful and demanded that I devise a new technique to continue my work. This necessity led to the development of my current method, which involves using pipettes instead of brushes. This approach not only alleviated my physical pain but also opened up a new realm of artistic possibilities, making my art distinctive and innovative. This unconventional method compels me to push and manipulate the paint, resulting in unexpected surprises that add a layer of spontaneity to my work.