LeeLee & Lindy
A Painted Horse-Oil stick on paper. 8.5 x 8.5”
A Paint Horse-oil stick on canvas, 36 x 36” Can be reproduced as a canvas or on paper -any size square you like.
Appaloosa -Horse used for appaloosa poster, about the destruction of the the herd. 18 x 24 This poster isavailable for $27.00 on paper
Survival-Appaloosa horse- used in poster about the slaughter of the Nez Perce Native Americas herd, 30,000 horses. Poster available on paper for only $27.00
A Plain Bay- Poster about plain bays and how they are not plain.This poster is available on paper for $27.00 free shipping.
Gypsy Vanner-Oil stick on paper, 9 x 12 “
A Grey Horse-I really love so called common horses (which really just means unregistered or grade) and their demeanor. So much elegance in history. 16 x 16” oil stick on canvas.
Butt to the wind, Oil stick on paper, 11 x 14 Availabel a a print on paper or canvas.
The Farriers dog- this was painted from the horse show in Indio, California, tempera paint. 18 x 24”
Kentucky Jack-watercolor for poster of Horse Show 18 x 24.
Poster available.
Walking to the ring - Palm Beach. Watercolor,appro.
On Deck-Florida Grand Prix
Palm Beach Corgi- There are always Corgis and JackRussell Terriers
at horse shows, Seems most horse people want one or the other.
18x 24 Watercolor